Part I includes our stories for our first two categories: Economy & Financial Markets, precious metals, and currencies and Geopolitics.


Story #1: The Covid-19 Currency War: Extend the Old (Global 2.0), Accelerate the New (Global 3.0)

The "Going Direct" plan—the central bankers’ push to preserve their global currency position by controlling everything directly without intermediaries—is not subtle. In the short term, Covid-19 has helped Mr. Global put the small-business economy and most of the planet into a debt trap while increasing key corporations’ market share. However, we need to remember that the new system is "in the invention room." Many variables are at play, and many factors—including cyberwarfare and the "Midianite thing"—could interfere with the creepy plan to manage seven billion people with cloud-based injectable credit cards.


Going Direct: Financial Meltdown Starts Before Covid-19

The Dollar: A Miraculous Save

Inflation-Deflation Seesaw

Going Direct: The “Global Reset”

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Story #2: "Going Direct" – Ending Cash and Currency and Building Out the Global Mechanism

Building out a global financial mechanism means not only controlling the sea lanes but controlling space, which includes not just satellites but weaponry. The problem with space is that it is "winner-take-all"—the player who dominates space can control everything on the planet. The U.S. is working hard to win the space race, but it recently admitted—with the official acknowledgement of several UFO videos—that it does not control its own air space. From the perspective of those outside the U.S., a major problem is that the U.S. is not "agreement capable." Will we see a major realignment among non-U.S. players in the coming years?


War on Cash

De-Dollarization and Globalization of Currency and Payment Systems

Crypto – the End of Currencies

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Story #3: The “Greatest Wealth Transfer in History” – The War on Independent Income and Ownership

The Covid-19 lockdowns and the rollout of "stormtroopers" to loot and riot across America have forced consumers online, dramatically boosting the market share of companies like Amazon, Zoom, and entities in the online health care space. As many as 85% of independent restaurants in the U.S. may go out of business, but U.S. billionaires are up more than half a trillion dollars—20% of their net worth—and many are poised to pick up real estate cheaply by funneling the proceeds of their February sales of stock into Opportunity Zones. Solari’s mapping of the nearly one-to-one correspondence between the areas where rioting occurred in Minneapolis and the city’s Opportunity Zones is "a picture worth a thousand words." And let’s not forget that riots took place in 33 of the 37 locations where the Fed has a bank or branch.


FANG, Fink, and the Federal Reserve Member Banks


Unemployment and Losers

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Story #4: The AI Superpowers Rebalance the China Trade

A major component of the Covid-19-enabled "Great Reset" appears to be a strategic rebalancing of the U.S.-China trade—just when China was rumored to be about to stop taking U.S. dollars. Other countries (including one-time Silk Road partners) also seem to be reevaluating their relationship with China and questioning China’s attempts to pick a fight with India. As the off-the-charts flooding that is threatening China’s Three Gorges Dam suggests, the rebalancing may be playing out both covertly and overtly. Are we witnessing full-scale weather warfare? If the dam breaks, the stability of Xi Zinping’s regime may be as much in question as the dam’s.


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Story #5: Sovereign Bonds vs. Equities and Real Assets

Six months into the Covid-19 lockdowns, we have a world divided into a handful of players who can print currency versus the rest of the world—caught in the "mother" of all debt entrapments and left with sovereign bonds of questionable worth. Are we headed toward the "mother" of all debt/equity swaps, with taxpayers’ real estate and other assets on the hook? The private entity—BlackRock—that has been given free rein to reengineer the global economy (including "managing" vast sums of money for the Fed and various government pension funds), conveniently, is beyond the reach of FOIA or any other mechanism to ensure transparency.


Quantitative Easing Part 5

Titus’ Best Evidence

Investors, Debtors, & More

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Story #6: Mr. Global Pushes the Red Button

Mr. Global may have pushed the red button, but some powerful players have been pushing back, including a German Interior Ministry official who leaked documents denouncing Covid-19 as a "global false alarm," and the Catholic church’s Archbishop Viganò (former Vatican ambassador to the U.S.) who, along with leading Cardinals circulated an elegant letter condemning world leaders’ use of the pandemic as a pretext to control populations. Unfortunately, Mr. Global has been busy mobilizing vast sums of taxpayer money to create a dangerous contact tracing army that will be empowered to enforce quarantines and seize children. The individuals promoting this agenda—ranging from the Queen of England to WHO officials to Epstein Air’s "frequent flyers"—are highly placed, and the American people need to face up to the risks. However, when you try to take away people’s children, you could be playing with fire.


Total F*#$ing Hypocrisy

Contact Tracing and the Trace & HEROES Acts: Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Elite Madness: No More Interference with Occult Practices

Creepy Tech Out

Governments Go Full-on Stasi

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Story #7: U.S. Government Scenarios: Cut & Run, Radical Reengineering, Implosion, or Zombie Nation?

The "magic virus" has managed to create a projected $500 billion deficit for U.S. state governments (an amount that matches up neatly to the increased wealth of U.S. billionaires), and Covid-19 is also being used as the advance cover story for an emptied-out Social Security Trust Fund later this decade. In addition, the push to get local police out of the way—against the wishes of at least 86% of Americans—is conveniently timed to make it easier for corporations to steamroll over local laws and reengineer places via Opportunity Zones. Thus far, mind control, entrainment, and divide-and-conquer appear to be working rather well—especially with the concurrent shuttering of churches and cultural institutions—but the hypermaterialist model never adequately accounts for the fact that all humans and all life have a spiritual component.



Economic and Political Reengineering

U.S. Phoenix Program: Riots, Looting, and Controlled Burns

—Covert Operations to Destroy U.S. Communities

—California Fire Operations Move to the Heartland

—War on Main Street and Small Business

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Story #8: Global Jockeying for Power

With the transition to a multipolar model, we are seeing a blossoming of "tinhorn tyrants" (and, in all likelihood, FASAB-56-financed mercenaries) all over the world. But perhaps the biggest news items of the quarter was the border clash between two of the big players—India and China—which not only did not go as China intended but may have spurred the geopolitical breakdown of BRICS, further isolated China, and given Russia an opening to step into the breach. Meanwhile, other parties (Japan and Germany chief among them) are watching the widespread internal instability in the U.S. and—seeing that the U.S. is not a reliable ally—are strongly hinting that they intend to rearm.


North America

South America



Middle East


Indonesia South China Sea

Australia and New Zealand


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Story #9: The Drumbeats of War

There are many signs that the space race is heating up, including Japan’s talk about space-based "rod of God" weaponry and India’s continued launching of large numbers of satellites. In the U.S., contrary to most other countries, the private sector is the dominant player in space, which gives the corporations a lot of power. Is the Space Force President Trump’s attempt to restore some government control over this all-important domain?


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Story #10: Cui Bono? Winners & Losers

So far, the clear Covid-19 winners are the billionaires and the biopharma cartel. Gun shops are also faring well—gun sales are off the charts, and many Americans who could never previously fathom why one would carry a gun are waking up and buying firearms. On the other side of the equation, the American people are big losers, and with the huge hit to state and local governments, we can expect a big round of layoffs next year when it comes time to balance budgets. Covid-19 has also decimated travel, tourism, and the arts—a sad state of affairs considering that these are the things that help us learn from and understand one another.




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