Our collection of videos from John Titus’s channel BestEvidence is here. Other video collections for the 2nd Quarter 2020 are: Pandemic Videos, Top News Videos, and videos by Truthstream Media.

The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime

BestEvidence | March 18, 2016

All the Plenary’s Men

BestEvidence | April 28, 2017

Why Is the Federal Reserve Lying About Coronavirus?

BestEvidence | March 29, 2020

The Federal Reserve – Kicking People When They’re Down (Mafiacracy Now, Season 2)

BestEvidence | April 10, 2020

Presenting the Federal Reserve Script for Totalitarianism

BestEvidence | April 20, 2020

Bad Vibes in the Pan-depression (Mafiacracy Now, Season 2)

BestEvidence | May 1, 2020

Is Jerome Powell the Real Keyser Soze?

BestEvidence | May 22, 2020

What’s Behind the Fed’s Manufactured Coin Shortage?

BestEvidence | August 19, 2020