Part I includes our stories for our first two categories: Economy & Financial Markets, precious metals, and currencies and Geopolitics.
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Story #1: The Covid-19 Currency War: Extend the Old (Global 2.0), Accelerate the New (Global 3.0)
The "Going Direct" plan—the central bankers’ push to preserve their global currency position by controlling everything directly without intermediaries—is not subtle. In the short term, Covid-19 has helped Mr. Global put the small-business economy and most of the planet into a debt trap while increasing key corporations’ market share. However, we need to remember that the new system is "in the invention room." Many variables are at play, and many factors—including cyberwarfare and the "Midianite thing"—could interfere with the creepy plan to manage seven billion people with cloud-based injectable credit cards.
Going Direct: Financial Meltdown Starts Before Covid-19
- Wall Street’s financial crisis preceded COVID-19: chart and timeline
- BlackRock authored the bailout plan before there was a crisis – Now it’s been hired by three central banks to implement the plan
- BlackRock is bailing out its ETFs with Fed money and taxpayers eating losses; It’s also the sole manager for $335 billion of federal employees’ retirement funds
- G7 agrees on crypto action plan spurred by Facebook’s Libra July 20, 2019
- Global wave of debt is largest, fastest in 50 years
- China’s $13 trillion problem is becoming everyone’s
- China premier warns of economic turmoil in 2020, continued deceleration means global rebound unlikely
- The Fed is entrenched in the repo market. How does it get out?
The Dollar: A Miraculous Save
- What the Hong Kong dollar peg is and why it matters
- Global US dollar shortage rises as emerging markets lose reserves
- The U.S. dollar refuses to stay down — here’s why (Market Watch)
- A crash in the dollar is coming
- How the coming crash in the dollar will unfold
- US destroyers conduct operations with NATO allies in the Baltic and Black Seas
Inflation-Deflation Seesaw
- Inflation collapses around the world amid coronavirus pandemic
- Nouriel Roubini says global economy faces deadly recession
- A word about the current chaos in prices and inflation
- Early estimates of the impacts of COVID-19 on U.S. agricultural commodity markets, farm income and government outlays
- The flood begins: Treasury to sell over a quarter trillion bills in 48 hours
- Fears mount about inflation returning with a vengeance
- The American meat shortage is pushing prices to unprecedented heights — here’s how it could affect your grocery bill
- UK will not see runaway inflation, Bailey insists
Going Direct: The “Global Reset”
- Wall Street’s financial crisis preceded COVID-19: chart and timeline
- EU economy chief sees July deal on 750 billion-euro crisis fund
- World Economic Forum 2021 will incorporate a virtual summit, themed "The Great Reset"
Take Action:
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem
- Community Currency with Paul Glover
- Local Currencies: Links
- Going Local by Gary L. Heckman
- The return of the barter economy, swapping eggs for toilet paper
- How to barter anything
- Time-based currency and timebanking
- The Freecycle Network
- The International Reciprocal Trade Association, IRTA
- Take Action Crowdfund (Donations)
Solari Resources:
- Money & Markets Report with John Titus: June 4, 2020
- Missing Money Update by Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts
- Unpacking Astonishing Financial Fraud with Lucy Komisar
- Mapping Minnesota Riot Damage, Opportunity Zones, and Fed Banks (A Work in Progress)
- Stimulus Tracker Tablepress of News Trends & Stories in secondary light-blue menu bar
- US: C-19 / Riots by State / Fed Banks Tablepress of News Trends & Stories in secondary light-blue menu bar
- Interest Rate Swaps with Rob Kirby
- Inflation: How Bad Can It Be? with Rob Kirby
- The Exchange Stabilization Fund with Rob Kirby
- Book Review: De-dollarization: The Revolt Against the Dollar and the Rise of a New Financial World Order
- JPMadoff with Helen Chaitman (and JPMorgan Chase Bank)
- 1st Quarter 2016 Wrap Up: Where to Stash Cash in 2016
- Best of Precious Metals Market Report: Franklin Sanders on How to Buy & Store Silver & Gold – Compilation
- GLD & SLV: Disclosure in the Precious Metals Puzzle Palace
- Selected Tax Issues to Consider When Investors Move or Exchange Precious Metals Holdings
Story #2: "Going Direct" – Ending Cash and Currency and Building Out the Global Mechanism
Building out a global financial mechanism means not only controlling the sea lanes but controlling space, which includes not just satellites but weaponry. The problem with space is that it is "winner-take-all"—the player who dominates space can control everything on the planet. The U.S. is working hard to win the space race, but it recently admitted—with the official acknowledgement of several UFO videos—that it does not control its own air space. From the perspective of those outside the U.S., a major problem is that the U.S. is not "agreement capable." Will we see a major realignment among non-U.S. players in the coming years?
War on Cash
De-Dollarization and Globalization of Currency and Payment Systems
Crypto – the End of Currencies
- Bank of International Settlements expands North American & European hubs
- G7 agrees on crypto action plan spurred by Facebook’s Libra (July 20, 2019)
- BIS: G7 Working Group on Stablecoins (October 2019)
- BIS: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision discussion paper: Designing a prudential treatment for crypto-assets
- COVID-19 crisis to boost CBDC (central bank digital currency) development worldwide: report
- Blockchain firm pitches CBDC operating system to Bank of England
- Ripple expands partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (October 18, 2018)
- BRICS nations discuss shared crypto to break away from USD and SWIFT
- Iran wants to create crypto to confront "economic hegemony" of US
- "Digital dollar" stripped from latest US coronavirus relief bill
- Blow to bitcoin as "significant" U.S. crypto crackdown suddenly revealed
- China’s national blockchain will change the world
- CV-1984: China rolls out test of digital currency in four cities, Western businesses testing
- Beijing to bypass US systems with e-RMB drive
- US government considers using digital dollars for future payment
- First blockchain-based solar energy trading initiative works
- China’s central bank digital currency wallet is revealed
- Visa files patent for cryptocurrency system to replace cash
- Visa card to 31 European nations
- Former Coinbase exec is now down with OCC (the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) tech crunch
- 1. WO2020060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data
- US Patent Application for Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data Patent Application (Application #20200097951)
- What was TON and why it is over
- Facebook Libra redesigned: new system and cryptocurrency to comply with regulations
- Rushing out untested digital finance fixes for Covid-19 is folly
- Oil price collapse delivers a loud warning
- Why Jerome Powell is starting to sound like Andrew Yang
Take Action:
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem
- Community Currency with Paul Glover
- Local Currencies: Links
- Going Local by Gary L. Heckman
- Take Action Crowdfund (Donations)
Solari Resources:
- Bank of International Settlements Expands North American & European Hubs
- Dr. Gates Creepy Tech Tablepress of News Trends & Stories: Bill Gates Tracker in secondary light-blue menu bar
- Mapping Minnesota Riot Damage, Opportunity Zones, and Fed Banks (A Work in Progress)
- Local Currencies—what works; what doesn’t?
- Demystifying Money and Liberating Exchange
Story #3: The “Greatest Wealth Transfer in History” – The War on Independent Income and Ownership
The Covid-19 lockdowns and the rollout of "stormtroopers" to loot and riot across America have forced consumers online, dramatically boosting the market share of companies like Amazon, Zoom, and entities in the online health care space. As many as 85% of independent restaurants in the U.S. may go out of business, but U.S. billionaires are up more than half a trillion dollars—20% of their net worth—and many are poised to pick up real estate cheaply by funneling the proceeds of their February sales of stock into Opportunity Zones. Solari’s mapping of the nearly one-to-one correspondence between the areas where rioting occurred in Minneapolis and the city’s Opportunity Zones is "a picture worth a thousand words." And let’s not forget that riots took place in 33 of the 37 locations where the Fed has a bank or branch.
- Ghislaine Maxwell, Wall Street’s secrets and the U.S. Attorney’s Office
- US billionaires have regained $565 billion in wealth since the pit of the crisis
- Jim Cramer: The pandemic led to "one of the greatest wealth transfers in history"
- Coronavirus forces 100K NY small businesses to close permanently
- Congrats, Gov. Cuomo! 100,000 biz killed
- 85% of independent restaurants could go out of business by the end of 2020: Report
- CARES Act: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
- CBO’s Current Projections of Output, Employment, and Interest Rates and a Preliminary Look at Federal Deficits for 2020 and 2021
- CARES Act expands small business access to less expensive, quicker bankruptcy option
- Planning for an American bankruptcy epidemic (Project Syndicate)
- Wells Fargo will no longer accept auto loan applications through independent dealerships
- Fed reveals which ETFs it has bought so far
FANG, Fink, and the Federal Reserve Member Banks
- Amazon posts highest e-commerce growth in over three years
- As Amazon rises, so does the opposition
- The market is now just 5 stocks: S&P now more concentrated in top 5 names then ever
- In Fink we trust: BlackRock is now "Fourth Branch of Government"
- Crushing the states, saving the banks: The Fed’s generous new rules
- The Federal Reserve has its own police and is part of a vast surveillance center – Should you worry?
- US billionaires have regained $565 billion in wealth since the pit of the crisis
- When you weren’t looking, billionaires did this…
- The world’s 25 richest billionaires have gained nearly $255 billion in just two months
- Jeff Bezos has now sold nearly $3.5 billion in Amazon stock over the past week
- Wall Street wins again: banks force Treasury to double rate on small business rescue loan
- “Black Swan” hedge fund advised by Nassim Taleb returns 3,612% in March
- JPMorgan temporarily halts small business loans outside federal scheme
- Bill Gates’ web of dark money and influence – Part 1: Philanthropic narrative shaping
- Bill Gates’ web of dark money and influence – Part 2: The COVID-19 operation
- Bill Gates’ web of dark money and influence – Part 3: Health surveillance, Event 201 and the Rockefeller connection
- Hedge fund managers claiming bailouts as small businesses
Unemployment and Losers
- Dirty details emerge as to why Mnuchin is fighting Congress over releasing the names of recipients of PPP loans
- Nearly 24,000 Ohioans told to return unemployment payments
- Hiring rose in 46 states in May yet jobless rates still high
- A shocking 17 million Americans have filed for unemployment in past 3 weeks
- Surprise: The BLS admits another phony jobs report
- Survey finds 50 million Americans have lost their job in past 6 weeks
- More than 2,100 store closings are announced in a single week, delivering a crushing blow to malls — and the pain is only going to get worse
- COVID may deplete Social Security Trust Funds this decade
- U.S. travel industry set to lose over $500 billion in 2020
- Millions of Americans skip credit-card and car payments
- What next for US credit-card debt?
- A quarter of Americans are late on rent, mortgage payments teleworkers fare better than most
- "No longer a private matter": Employer held responsible for family violence
- Trump’s company closes Mar-a-Lago, fires staff, shutters golf courses and warns of "shortfall in revenues"
Take Action:
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem
- Assess your Place: Rebuilding a Local Economy
- Assess your Risk: Checklist: Family Risk
- Organizing Your Financial and Legal Affairs
- Coming Clean: Building a Wonderful World
- Unpacking Financial & Investment Advice, Part I
- Unpacking Financial & Investment Advice, Part II
- Turtle Forth
- Prayers for the Year!
- Let's Go to the Movies: March 23, 2020 – War Room
- Gifting to the Children We Love
- Take Action Crowdfund (Donations)
Solari Resources:
- Mapping Minnesota Riot Damage, Opportunity Zones, and Fed Banks (A Work in Progress)
- The Story of Gideon with Thomas Meyer
- Technocracy with Patrick M. Wood
- Opportunity Zones: Prototyping Community Technocracy with Patrick Wood
- Solari Audio Series – Building Our Lifeboats: Surviving & Thriving in Risky Times
- Book Review: Follow the Money: A Citizen's Guide to Local Government
- Economic Resurrection for My Neighbors at Easter Time
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem: Links & Resources
- Peter Ireland: Start-up Financing for the Rest of Us
- Special Solari Report: Legal Pathways for Entrepreneurs to Raise Capital Using Securities: Does Crowdfunding Ease the Way?
- Jump Start Our Business Startups (JOBS Act of 2012) in Defense of Crowdfunding Provisions
- The Role of the CPA in a Crowdfunding Future
- Top 16 Crowdfunding Sites for College and Education Costs
- Let's Go to the Movies: April 6, 2020 –The Shock Doctrine
- Shadow Work
- The Oil Card – What's Next? (2014)
- The Oil Card with Jim Norman (2013)
- Jim Norman: The US Plays the Oil Card (2012)
- Oil Card Geopolitics (2011)
Story #4: The AI Superpowers Rebalance the China Trade
A major component of the Covid-19-enabled "Great Reset" appears to be a strategic rebalancing of the U.S.-China trade—just when China was rumored to be about to stop taking U.S. dollars. Other countries (including one-time Silk Road partners) also seem to be reevaluating their relationship with China and questioning China’s attempts to pick a fight with India. As the off-the-charts flooding that is threatening China’s Three Gorges Dam suggests, the rebalancing may be playing out both covertly and overtly. Are we witnessing full-scale weather warfare? If the dam breaks, the stability of Xi Zinping’s regime may be as much in question as the dam’s.
- China warned to prepare for being cut off from US dollar payment system
- U.S. current account deficit edges down; COVID-19 curbs trade
- Peter Navarro: Protecting electricity grid — Trump orders this to defend economic, national security
- Trade set to plunge as COVID-19 pandemic upends global economy
- Security law: US mulls "nuclear option" as China threatens Hong Kong autonomy
- Trump’s pension fund ban could split global markets
- Trump threatens to cut off relations with China
- U.S. and U.K. begin negotiations on free trade agreement…
- Citrus leaders want Chinese imports decision reversed
- China’s April exports rebound but outlook remains grim
- China’s economy and its effect on the U.S. economy
Take Action:
- Let's Go to the Movies: November 7, 2019 – The New Silk Road, Parts I and II
- Organizing Your Financial and Legal Affairs
- Take Action Crowdfund (Donations)
Solari Resources:
- Special Report: Stephen Roach – Seeking US-China Balance
- 2nd Quarter 2018 Wrap Up: The Rise of the Asian Consumer
- Book Review: China Rx
- Book Review: AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee
- The Artilect War: Will AI Be the Death of Us? with Dr. Hugo de Garis
Story #5: Sovereign Bonds vs. Equities and Real Assets
Six months into the Covid-19 lockdowns, we have a world divided into a handful of players who can print currency versus the rest of the world—caught in the "mother" of all debt entrapments and left with sovereign bonds of questionable worth. Are we headed toward the "mother" of all debt/equity swaps, with taxpayers’ real estate and other assets on the hook? The private entity—BlackRock—that has been given free rein to reengineer the global economy (including "managing" vast sums of money for the Fed and various government pension funds), conveniently, is beyond the reach of FOIA or any other mechanism to ensure transparency.
Quantitative Easing Part 5
- Central Bank Stimulus: Quantitative Easing 5.0 with John Titus
- Federal debt tops $26 trillion for first time; jumps $2 trillion in just 63 days
- House narrowly passes $3 trillion aid package
- House approves $484 billion bill to aid small businesses, hospitals
- A bailout for US farmers? Federal government to give $19 billion payments amid coronavirus, trade war fallout
- New law helps you delay mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure
- Crushing the states, saving the banks: the Fed’s generous new rules (eliminated reserve requirements)
- Fed expands corporate-debt backstops, unveils new programs to aid states, cities and small businesses
- House passes $8.3 billion bill to battle coronavirus
Titus’ Best Evidence
- Titus: All the Plenary’s Men
- Presenting the Federal Reserve Script for Totalitarianism
- Bad Vibes in the Pan-depression
- Why Is the Federal Reserve Lying About Coronavirus?
- The Federal Reserve – Kicking People When They’re Down (Mafiocracy Now Season 2)
- Is Jerome Powell the Real Keyser Soze?
Investors, Debtors, & More
- Private equity abuzz over access to $6 trillion 401(k) market
- Central banker musical chairs: Fed exits LBMA board, Banque de France joins
- Covid-19: The epicentre is moving to the US (Former Fed governor and economist Larry Lindsey)
- Federal Reserve Board expands its Main Street Lending Program to allow more small and medium-sized businesses to be able to receive support
- Federal debt tops $26 trillion for first time; jumps $2 trillion in just 63 days
- Why BlackRock says it’s time to reduce the government bonds, and take on more risk, in your portfolio
- Global wave of debt is largest, fastest in 50 years
- German debt grows by €412 billion euros
- A crash in the dollar is coming
- Bank of America calling for $3,000 gold in 18 months
- “The largest ever physical transfer of gold”
- “Opinion: Muni bond investors could lose out as pension crisis cripples many U.S. cities”
- This chart shows just how much America’s malls are incredibly dependent on struggling retailers
- Reality check: The mall REIT apocalypse is really here
- JPF The Kardinals of Karlsruhe are at it again…
- Top German court finds some ECB action unconstitutional, gives 3 month ultimatum to fix QE
- Germany and France unite in call for €500bn Europe recovery fund
- With no mainland Chinese buyers, Hong Kong’s commercial real estate dives
- McConnell says he favors letting states declare bankruptcy
- EU eyes $2.2 trillion plan as ECB accepts some junk-rated bonds
- The illusion of owning gold | Nick Barisheff
- Billionaire Sam Zell sees economy permanently scarred by pandemic
- Defiant ECB pledges full commitment after German QE ruling
- UPDATE 2: German court’s ECB bond buy ruling hits euro, bonds, stocks
- Brace for a Monday massacre: Buffett liquidates all airline holdings as Berkshire sees another leg lower
- Europe’s number one stock market is close to erasing 2020 drop
- ECB loosens collateral rules to accept "fallen angel" bonds
- How COVID-19 consumer spending is impacting industries
- Market mayhem meets liquidity mismatch: “At least” 76 mutual funds in Europe were “gated” in March
- Pending home sales drop to lowest level since 2011 as coronavirus takes its toll
- Mortgage rates stabilize near record lows — but rates could fall lower this year
- First blockchain-based solar energy trading initiative works
Take Action:
- Stimulus Tracker Tablepress of News Trends & Stories in secondary light-blue menu bar
- 1st Quarter 2020 Wrap Up – Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology
- Caveat Emptor: Why Investors Need to Do Due Diligence on U.S. Treasury and Related Securities
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem
- State fiscal rankings
- Solari Audio Seminar: Building Our Lifeboats, Surviving and Thriving in Risky Times with Catherine Austin Fitts and Franklin Sanders
- Solari Audio Seminar: Building Real Wealth with Catherine Austin Fitts and Franklin Sanders
- Organizing Your Financial and Legal Affairs
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem: Links & Resources
- Special Solari Report: In-State Equity Crowdfunding Offerings as an Alternative to Federal Jobs Act
- Going Local by Gary L. Heckman
- Helping Your Local Community by Gary L. Heckman
- Want to Have a Real Impact? Shift Your Time to State and Local Politics by Gary L. Heckman
- Successful Homebuying with Dr. Gary W. Eldred
- Take Action Crowdfund (Donations)
Solari Resources:
- Solari Special Report: Update on the Missing Money with Dr. Mark Skidmore
- Central Bank Stimulus: Quantitative Easing 5.0 with John Titus
- US: C-19 / Riots by State / Fed Banks Tablepress of News Trends & Stories in secondary light-blue menu bar
- Who’s Doing This? A Conversation with Richard Dolan
- Mapping Minnesota Riot Damage, Opportunity Zones, and Fed Banks (a Work in Progress)
- 1st Quarter 2020 Wrap Up: Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology
- The Future of Health Care – Prepping for the Perfect Storm with Jo Kline
- Health Care Directives with Jo Kline Cebuhar
- Caveat Emptor: Why Investors Need to Do Due Diligence on U.S. Treasury and Related Securities
- 2017 Annual Wrap Up: Does Your Pension Fund Have a Deep State Drain?
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Story #6: Mr. Global Pushes the Red Button
Mr. Global may have pushed the red button, but some powerful players have been pushing back, including a German Interior Ministry official who leaked documents denouncing Covid-19 as a "global false alarm," and the Catholic church’s Archbishop Viganò (former Vatican ambassador to the U.S.) who, along with leading Cardinals circulated an elegant letter condemning world leaders’ use of the pandemic as a pretext to control populations. Unfortunately, Mr. Global has been busy mobilizing vast sums of taxpayer money to create a dangerous contact tracing army that will be empowered to enforce quarantines and seize children. The individuals promoting this agenda—ranging from the Queen of England to WHO officials to Epstein Air’s "frequent flyers"—are highly placed, and the American people need to face up to the risks. However, when you try to take away people’s children, you could be playing with fire.
Total F*#$ing Hypocrisy
- German official leaks report denouncing corona as "a global false alarm"
- JPF: German Interior Ministry COVID 19 report raises serious issues
- The worldwide lockdown may be the greatest mistake in history
- Appeal for the Church and the World to Catholics and all people of good will
- Four cardinals join global appeal decrying crackdown on basic freedoms over coronavirus
- Grassley vows to block Trump nominees over watchdog firings
- The biggest secret: James Risen on life as a NY Times reporter in the shadow of the war on terror
- What is the real agenda behind the effort to defund & dismantle the police?
- A bill to hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct in court, improve transparency through data collection, and reform police training and policies
Contact Tracing and the Trace & HEROES Acts: Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- Mary Holland Talks HR 6666
- Special Solari Report: Contact Tracing & the HEROES Act with Mary Holland
- Texas signs $295M deal with MTX Group to manage COVID-19 contact tracing buildup
- Tell Congress that H.R. 6666 “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act” is unconstitutional and threatens the liberty of All Americans
- Children’s emergency quarantine centers (Ammon Bundy)
- Exclusive: Bill Gates negotiated $100 billion contact tracing deal with Democratic Congressman sponsor of bill six months before coronavirus pandemic
- Contact tracing: Your governors, red or blue, are coming after you
- Contact tracing: Texas governor executive orders and emergency petition for writ of mandamus court case
- A woman gets her contact tracer certificates and tells all
- Airlines pushing contact tracing, "immunity passport" as right to travel
Elite Madness: No More Interference with Occult Practices
- The characteristics of an initiation ritual
- JPF: Florida fires, Kissinger, and the Fauci virus
- Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts is admitted to the hospital with bacterial meningitis following trip to the rainforest – two months after coronavirus scare
- Enter the Pizza Gate – Bold new #PEDOGATE documentary
- David Nino Rodriguez expose Hollywood elites & their pedophile ring. Big operations are going down
- Order of Malta: Grand Master Giacomo Dalla Torre dies at 75
Creepy Tech Out
- Getting smarter about food safety: The pandemic and lessons learned
- Artificial breast milk firm that offers an environmentally-friendly alternative to baby formula gets $3.5 million from investment fund backed by Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg
- China and US salute the cyborg soldier
- Ter-ming-ator! China "considering plans to genetically-modify soldiers to make army of Terminator-style troops"
- They really do want to implant microchips into your brain
- Technocracy in Venezuela: Biometric data to buy fuel
Governments Go Full-on Stasi
- Book Review: The Tower of Babel Moment by Joseph P. Farrell
- "Who are you?" Unmasked riot police patrolling Washington DC streets but won’t identify themselves
- Gov. Andrew Cuomo orders curfew for New York City
- European Council: Report on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- In "decision he’ll come to regret," judge allows warrantless aerial surveillance of Baltimore
Take Action:
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem
- Special Solari Report: Contact Tracing & the HEROES Act with Mary Holland
- Take Action Crowdfund (Donations)
Solari Resources:
- Mapping Minnesota Riot Damage, Opportunity Zones, and Fed Banks (a Work in Progress)
- The Red Button Story
- US: C-19 / Riots by State / Fed Banks Tablepress of News Trends & Stories in secondary light-blue menu bar
- Control 101 – 3rd Quarter Wrap Up
- The Layman’s Guide to Mind Control
- Solari Report: Entrainment, Subliminal Programming, and Financial Manipulation
- Solari Report: Beat Down at US Universities with Jon Rappoport
- Solari Report: Jon Rappoport on Matrix Nuts & Bolts
- 1st Quarter 2015 Wrap Up: Planet Debt
- Book Review: Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control
- Book Review: Mark M. Rich on the Nuts & Bolts of Tyranny
- The Deep State & Budget Politics, Part II with Richard Dolan
- Deep State Tactics 101, Part I with Catherine Austin Fitts
- Deep State Tactics 101, Part II with Catherine Austin Fitts
- Deep State Tactics 101, Part III with Catherine Austin Fitts
- Deep State Tactics 101, Part IV with Catherine Austin Fitts
- Deep State Tactics 101, Part V with Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts
- 2019 Annual Wrap Up – Deep State Tactics 101, Parts VI-VIII
- 2019 Annual Wrap Up – Deep State Tactics 101, Parts IX-X
- 2015 Annual Wrap Up – Space: Here We Go!
- 1st Quarter 2018 Wrap Up: Who’s Who & What’s Up in the Space-Based Economy
Story #7: U.S. Government Scenarios: Cut & Run, Radical Reengineering, Implosion, or Zombie Nation?
The "magic virus" has managed to create a projected $500 billion deficit for U.S. state governments (an amount that matches up neatly to the increased wealth of U.S. billionaires), and Covid-19 is also being used as the advance cover story for an emptied-out Social Security Trust Fund later this decade. In addition, the push to get local police out of the way—against the wishes of at least 86% of Americans—is conveniently timed to make it easier for corporations to steamroll over local laws and reengineer places via Opportunity Zones. Thus far, mind control, entrainment, and divide-and-conquer appear to be working rather well—especially with the concurrent shuttering of churches and cultural institutions—but the hypermaterialist model never adequately accounts for the fact that all humans and all life have a spiritual component.
Economic and Political Reengineering
- Powell and Mnuchin agree to work with a proposed “Department of Reconciliation” to deal with effects of slavery and segregation
- Tennessee police arrest citizen who escaped forced COVID-19 detention camp…
- New York county issues subpoenas to people refusing to talk to contact tracers
- Tucker: Our leaders have sided with the agents of chaos
- American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic
- Billionaires’ political spending grew 37-fold in 10 years
- McConnell says he favors letting states declare bankruptcy
- The extra $600 Americans get in weekly unemployment benefits ends next month — here’s what lawmakers are proposing to replace it
- New update on Department of Defense FOIA response & unusual patterns in US Treasury debt operations
- Meet the companies poised to build the Kushner-backed “Coronavirus Surveillance System”
- Police officers all over America are quitting their jobs because of the George Floyd protests
- LAPD held fire after protester shot at law enforcement during riots
- LA mayor faces backlash for defunding police with $150 million budget cut
- "Who are you?" Unmarked riot police patrolling Washington DC streets but won’t identify themselves
- Protesters provide cover while the country bleeds
- Minneapolis City Council members want to abolish the police
- Robot dogs replace K9s herding sheep and help police enforce social distancing
- Sheriff’s Office requests $300,000 in COVID-19 funding for helicopter thermal imaging system
- Cornell professor Dave Collum publicly shamed by his university for defending Buffalo police officers
- U.S. Army units prepare for possible deployment to Minnesota
- US gov’t now flying MQ-9 Reaper drone over Minneapolis as riots worsen
- US on the brink of martial law as officials implement contact tracing methods to track rioters
- Data: 100K mail-in ballot applications returned as "undeliverable" in Rhode Island
- Amid inequality and polarization, how can we strengthen American democracy?
- African American reparation bill passes California Assembly
U.S. Phoenix Program: Riots, Looting, and Controlled Burns
- DNC’s plan to replace our police with NATO contractors – Dyncorp and Blackwater again
- Mapping Minnesota Riot Damage, Opportunity Zones, and Fed Banks (a Work in Progress)
- US: C-19 / Riots by State / Fed Banks Tablepress of News Trends & Stories in secondary light-blue menu bar
- Black Lives Matter & hypocrisy (by @harbirnain on Instagram)
- UC Berkeley history professor’s open letter against BLM, police brutality and cultural orthodoxy
- What is the real agenda behind the effort to defund & dismantle the police?
- Protesters provide cover while the country bleeds
- Exposed: Soros and the secret origins of Black Lives Matter
- Pure evil: Police chief breaks down after describing how Richmond leftist rioters torched home with children inside then blocked fire department (video)
- The Truth about George Floyd, ANTIFA, CAIR & Keith Ellison’s Minnesota
- What are governors planning to do with our children (Ammon Bundy)
- Mapping civil unrest in the United States (2000–2020)
- Chicago: Most violent weekend of 2020 after 82 people shot, 19 killed during weekend of riots
- JPF: Of abductions, mind control, and psychological warfare
- Riots continue across the country – several police officers injured
- More than 400 law enforcement officers injured in riots across U.S., 2 dead
- Illinois police say Gov. Pritzker is releasing violent criminals to thwart COVID-19 spread in prisons
- Happening now: In the dead of night, the 115 year-old “Confederate soldiers and sailors” monument in Birmingham, Alabama is being moved
—Covert Operations to Destroy U.S. Communities
- Undercover investigation Minneapolis riot was preplanned (video removed)
- Resist the coup – Alert: They’re bringing in new riot fronts
- "Light ’em Up!" Military and police open fire on innocent people in their own home
- US cops’ personal info leaked online
- Riots cancelled – grievance network back together again – former President Obama and Floyd family attorney, Ben Crump, now execute phase two…
- Ex-Russian intel officer: Depopulation agenda is real
—California Fire Operations Move to the Heartland
- Baldwin County firefighters to assist in battling wildfires in Santa Rosa County Saturday
- JPF: Florida fires, Kissinger, and the Fauci virus
—War on Main Street and Small Business
- Leftist groups, including La Raza, to monitor police under reform bill modeled after Obama plan
- Jobless claims rise 1.54 million in early June, but fewer people are collecting benefits
- Attorney for jailed Dallas salon owner slams judge as a "tiny tyrant"
- Minneapolis City Council members want to abolish the police
- "What are we going to have left in our community?" Aldermen react with panic, sorrow to unrest
- Rand Paul: “Reopen the economy, no more imaginary money”
- Does Your Pension Fund Have a Deep State Drain?
- McConnell says he favors letting states declare bankruptcy
- Unemployment filing failures: New survey confirms that millions of jobless were unable to file an unemployment insurance claims
- The extra $600 Americans get in weekly unemployment benefits ends next month — here’s what lawmakers are proposing to replace it
Take Action:
Solari Resources:
- Missing Money Update by Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts
- Mortgage Servicing: Covid-19 Update with Marie McDonnell
- Your Mortgage: Avoiding Servicing Risks with Marie McDonnell
- Your Mortgage: Financing Your Home Without Falling for Fraud with Marie McDonnell
- Mapping Minnesota Riot Damage, Opportunity Zones, and Fed Banks (a Work in Progress)
- Tax & Spend – The Next Deep State Harvest with Amy Benjamin
- Technocracy with Patrick M. Wood
- Opportunity Zones: Prototyping Community Technocracy with Patrick Wood
- US: C-19 / Riots by State / Fed Banks Tablepress of News Trends & Stories in secondary light-blue menu bar
- Book Review: The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis
- Stimulus Tracker (Tablepress) in secondary light-blue menu bar
Story #8: Global Jockeying for Power
With the transition to a multipolar model, we are seeing a blossoming of "tinhorn tyrants" (and, in all likelihood, FASAB-56-financed mercenaries) all over the world. But perhaps the biggest news items of the quarter was the border clash between two of the big players—India and China—which not only did not go as China intended but may have spurred the geopolitical breakdown of BRICS, further isolated China, and given Russia an opening to step into the breach. Meanwhile, other parties (Japan and Germany chief among them) are watching the widespread internal instability in the U.S. and—seeing that the U.S. is not a reliable ally—are strongly hinting that they intend to rearm.
North America
- US to deploy troops from Germany to India amidst rising tensions with China
- Doctor Strangelove takes care of our health. The real scenario is nuclear war? “Senator, I am a fan of flexible first-use policy”
- Trump’s troop plan stuns Germany and rocks postwar order
- Trump: “I have a chance to break the Deep State”
South America
- British court refuses to release Venezuelan gold to Maduro
- U.S. charges Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro with drug trafficking
- Venezuela’s gold vaults empty as Iran takes bullion for oil services rendered
- Exclusive: U.S. weighs measures in response to Iran fuel shipment to Venezuela – source
- Technocracy in Venezuela: Biometric data to buy fuel
- Bank of England balance sheet, from South Sea bubble (!) to COVID-19
- European Central Bank ramps up stimulus program beyond $1.5 trillion
- German debt grows by €412 billion euros
- Ukrainian MP found dead with gunshot wound to the head
- The Emerging Multipolar World – Focus on Russia with the Saker
- Russia and Turkey officially commission the TurkStream gas pipeline
- In Libya, Turkey hasn’t won yet Russia hasn’t lost yet the US and its protectorate of Greece, Cyprus and Israel are losing everything
- Is there really a group ready to hang Erdogan out to dry?
Middle East
- Erdogan loses the battle, but the war is far from over
- US Senate quietly approves $38 billion for Israel amid historic economic downturn
- US signs commitment for mass troop exit from Iraq, vows “no permanent bases”
- China Threatens U.S. Space Power by Completing Satellite Network
- China suspends debt repayments for 77 developing countries and regions
- China threatens electronic strikes on Navy
- Chinese president Xi Jinping has vowed to lead the “new world order”
- JPF: Suspicion meter in the red zone about Kim Jong Un
- Shanghai Cooperation Organisation to introduce "mutual settlement in national currencies" and ditch US dollar
Indonesia South China Sea
- China seizes Covid-19 advantage in South China Sea
- Why is the US escalating its presence in the South China Sea amid the coronavirus pandemic?
Australia and New Zealand
Take Action:
- Take Action Crowdfund (Donations)
- Fear Not with Thomas Meyer
- The Future of Europe with Thomas H. Meyer
- Who's Your Sheriff?
- Enforce the Constitution: Gun Ownership with Harry Blazer
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem
Solari Resources:
- Gideon: Transcript of Interview of Greg Palast, Journalist for BBC and Observer, London, by Alex Jones (shock doctrine and privatization in Latin America)
- Estate Planning 101 with Ann Christensen
- How Do I Find a Great Local Bank? – The Next Generation
- How to Find a Good Local Bank
Story #9: The Drumbeats of War
There are many signs that the space race is heating up, including Japan’s talk about space-based "rod of God" weaponry and India’s continued launching of large numbers of satellites. In the U.S., contrary to most other countries, the private sector is the dominant player in space, which gives the corporations a lot of power. Is the Space Force President Trump’s attempt to restore some government control over this all-important domain?
- How will WWIII be fought? – Questions for Corbett #062
- Memo to Putin: NATO drills featuring 28 ships and 3,000 troops from 19 countries including the US get underway in the Baltic Sea
- Iranian oil tankers due in Venezuelan port, with air force and naval escort
- Is Chinese navy eyeing Taiwan held Pratas Islands?
- Can’t make this up: Beijing begins construction of a P-3 biolab
- 19 dead as Iran warship hit by "friendly fire" in tense Gulf
- Will Trump go to war with Iran to save the US oil industry?
- As US Navy ships wrap up a historic Arctic exercise, Russia’s navy sends them off with its own nearby drills
Take Action:
- Who's Your Sheriff?
- Enforce the Constitution: Gun Ownership with Harry Blazer
- The Missing Money
- 3rd Quarter 2016 Wrap Up – Investment Screening: Can We Filter for Productive Companies?
- 1st Quarter 2019 Wrap Up: Will ESG Turn the Red Button Green?
- Take Action Crowdfund (Donations)
Solari Resources:
- Let's Go to the Movies: November 7, 2019 – The New Silk Road, Parts I and II
- The National Security State: What's Next? with Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson
- 2nd Quarter 2016 Wrap Up: Theme: Productivity, Prosperity & the Popsicle Index
- Dillon Read & Co. Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits
- 2019 Annual Wrap Up: Deep State Tactics 101 (web presentation for Parts I through 10)
Story #10: Cui Bono? Winners & Losers
So far, the clear Covid-19 winners are the billionaires and the biopharma cartel. Gun shops are also faring well—gun sales are off the charts, and many Americans who could never previously fathom why one would carry a gun are waking up and buying firearms. On the other side of the equation, the American people are big losers, and with the huge hit to state and local governments, we can expect a big round of layoffs next year when it comes time to balance budgets. Covid-19 has also decimated travel, tourism, and the arts—a sad state of affairs considering that these are the things that help us learn from and understand one another.
- US billionaires have regained $565 billion in wealth since the pit of the crisis
- Billionaires’ political spending grew 37-fold in 10 years
- By avoiding doctors visits are parents saving 200 infants a week from death by injection fraud?
- Upending bankruptcy "myths," judge erases $220,000 student loan debt
- CARES Act expands small business access to less expensive, quicker bankruptcy option
- Blocking John Bolton from becoming Sec of State
- Republican-led Senate panel authorizes subpoenas in probe of Obama officials
- Leftist groups, including La Raza, to monitor police under reform bill modeled after Obama plan
- Jim Cramer: The pandemic led to "one of the greatest wealth transfers in history"
- California first to be approved for up to $10 billion bailout from Feds to pay unemployment benefits
- Charting the rise and fall of the global luxury goods market
- The rich in China got richer thanks to Covid-19
- Buffett stays on sidelines with cash rising to $137 billion
- Another break from the past: Government will help churches pay pastor salaries
- Krystal Ball: Why the rich are partying while country burns
- Amazon posts highest e-commerce growth in over three years
- Jim Jordan rips into FBI after Flynn documents released
- "We were made for this": How Slack became king of the remote-work world
- COVID sparks sexbot “revolution” as people ditch Tinder
- "A historic moment": PG&E pleads guilty to involuntary manslaughter, as judge plans to greenlight bankruptcy plan
- Nearly 24,000 Ohioans told to return unemployment payments
- Coronavirus bankruptcy pandemic
- City of Fairfield files for bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy tsunami begins: Thousands of default notices are “flying out the door”
- Planning for an American bankruptcy epidemic
- "Catastrophic financial challenges" – 42 hospitals closed, filed for bankruptcy due to COVID pressures
- JPF: Scaffolding removal from Notre Dame Cathedral begins… and …
- European unemployment is half that of America. Here’s why
- No thanks: Trump White House shelves CDC guidelines for reopening economy and public places
- Trump’s company closes Mar-a-Lago, fires staff, shutters golf courses and warns of "shortfall in revenues"
- U.S. travel industry set to lose over $500 billion in 2020
- New issuance of SDRs is vital to help poorer countries
- New York police union reps hold press conference Jun 9, 2020
- Activists call for Lansing to defund police; Where do City Council members stand?
- The city that remade its police department
- "No longer a private matter": Employer held responsible for family violence
- The results are in for remote learning: It didn’t work
- Hertz files for U.S. bankruptcy protection as car rentals evaporate in pandemic
- "It’s devastating news": Excluded from COVID-19 wage subsidy, National Ballet School faces layoffs
Take Action:
Solari Resources: