The curated collection of the Top News Videos for the 2nd Quarter is here. Additional video collections for this quarter include those by John Titus (Best Evidence) and Truthstream Media, and those included in Pandemic Top Videos.


Covid-19: The epicentre is moving to the US (Former Fed Governor and Economist Larry Lindsey) Jim Cramer: The pandemic led to "one of the greatest wealth transfers in history" In the face of an unexpected adversary: the crucial role for central banks Central banks and payments in the digital era

Pictet North America Advisors | April 24, 2020 CNBC Television | June 4, 2020 Bank for International Settlements | July 1, 2020 Bank for International Settlements | June 24, 2020
Catherine Austin Fitts – We are watching the mother of all debt entrapments When you weren’t looking, billionaires did this… Krystal Ball: Why the rich are partying while country burns Activist and author Vandana Shiva on the "destructive&334; impact of billionaires

Greg Hunter| June 20, 2020 Reallygraceful | June 26, 2020 The Hill | May 7, 2020 FRANCE 24 English| April 14, 2020

Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th, 2020: the Science, Logic and Data Explained!
EU end inches closer. German court says “NO” to Eurobonds


Bill Barr: Media and Dems working together, Schiff allowed to lie, have to vote him out
The conservador | July 5, 2020

Trump’s Wall Street Wolfpack | KMN LIVE
Know More News | April 2, 2020

"Who is Ghislaine Maxwell?" | Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich | Netflix

Netflix | May 29, 2020

David Nino Rodriguez expose Hollywood elites & their pedophile ring. Big operations are going down
BlackTV | April 18, 2020

Enter the Pizza Gate – bold new #Pedogate documentary
V_for_Veritas| May 28, 2020

The hidden hands behind UK government response to COVID19. Who is pulling the strings?

Vanessa Beeley | April 15, 2020

Ce Rav Balance Netanyauh et sa Clique. "Ils veulent nous enlever nos enfants" – Faites Attention (the Queen of England at 2:04-3:05)
Super Crazy 7 | June 9, 2020

New World Order rising
Computing Forever| June 16, 2020

Oneness vs. the 1%: #VandanaShiva at the United Nations Office at Geneva

UNRISD | March 14, 2019

Glenn Greenwald breaks down new "bogus" charges against Julian Assange

The Hill | June 26, 2020

Jim Jordan rips into FBI after Flynn documents released

Fox News| April 30, 2020

Tucker Carlson: Our leaders have sided with the agents of chaos *Must Watch*
Sage Antone | May 30, 2020

Tucker takes you inside America’s newest neighbor: CHOP

Fox News | Jun 16, 2020

Tucker Carlson: America’s core problems are economic
Fox News | June 2, 2020

People rebel against the lockdown in Berlin, Germany | June 4, 2020

Breaking: Ohio residents protesting #Coronavirus lockdown at state capitol – Peacefully protest!
YumNaturals Emporium | April 13, 2020

Tucker: Media ignore victims to the riots (These lives matter, too)

Fox News | June 5, 2020

Black Lives Matter & hypocrisy (by @harbirnain on Instagram)
Good Lion Films | June 6, 2020

DNC’s plan to replace our police with NATO contractors – Dyncorp and Blackwater again

Alexandra Bruce | June 22, 2020

A women gets her contact tracer certificates and tells all

Vladislav Sobolev | May 27, 2020

Special Solari Report: " Contact Tracing & the HEROES Act with Mary Holland
The Solari Report | June 17, 2020

Cops using contact tracing for Covid to track protestors! w/Dylan Ratigan

The Jimmy Dore Show | June 4, 2020

W.H.O. Official: “May have to enter homes and remove family members!”

Mrgunsngear B Channel | April 7, 2020

What are governors planning to do with our children

Ammon Bundy| June 2, 2020

White woman kneel and apologize for white privilege [CAF description: Your tax dollar financing actor and actress who are desperate for income to read a script designed to distract you and start a civil war; although may be financed from drug profits that inteligence agencies and banks use for local drug gangs to market into your neighborhoods; with FASAB 56, funding sources are plentiful]

SJWCentral2 | June 2, 2020

The coup enters Phase 3: co-opted generals & insiders

Newsbud | June 4, 2020

Lincoln County reverses mask policy exemption for people of color

KGW News | June 24, 2020

Renters protest LA’s mayor’s home in their cars!

The Jimmy Dore Show | April 3, 2020

New York police union reps hold press conference

Fox News | June 9, 2020

Black homeschool mom responds to Harvard hatred
The David Knight Show | May 21, 2020

Seattle business owner says police never responded to a burglary at his shop in the CHOP

King Five | June 15, 2020

Cities burn, everyday heroes are rising up – so here’s to the peacemakers

MRCTV | June 1, 2020

What we’re watching is class war disguised as race war by Tucker Carlson

Fox News | June 2, 2020

How will WWIII be fought? – Questions for Corbett
corbettreport | June 17, 2020

Where did the airlines park their airplanes? // WOW!!!

Wolficorn | April 15, 2020

Helicopter view of oil tankers | California Coast April 27th 2020

Micah Muzio | April 27, 2020


The backlash is here: from Michigan to Kentucky the people are rising up

RonPaulLibertyReport | April 16, 2020

El Dorado diner defies statewide order, opens for dine-in service

KCRA News | May 1, 2020

Out of Shadows Official
outofshadows | April 10, 2020

My favorite part was “with names like Epstein & Weinstein…it doesn’t sound like a Protestant problem”
Twitter | June 25, 2020

Catherine Austin Fitts: We are dealing with a spiritual war
Greg Hunter | April 4, 2020

Tennessee State Representative Chairman Bud Hulsey of Kingsport: Why the U.S. Constitution matters

Mike Sparks | May 28, 2020

Sheriffs: We took an oath to the Constitution, not to governors & lockdowns
Spiro Skouras | May 23, 2020

What sheriffs have sworn to do: Their time is now – Sheriff Richard Mack
diamondisc | April 13, 2020

Matt Taibbi responds to critics: Why left, media has lost its mind after protests

The Hill | June 16, 2020

A message to the mainstream media

Hypothetical Institute | May 2, 2020

Italian Parliament member calls for Bill Gates arrest during Covid-19 debate
Stone Turner | May 16, 2020

Health & liberty in America
KrisAnne Hall JD | May 18, 2020

Seattle riot looter finds police AR15 – Patriot takes away during protest

Big Skid Media | May 31, 2020

The Great Reset

World Economic Forum | June 3, 2020

Lockdown meltdown: America fights back (WOW – Jeffrey Sachs, front man for the Rape of Russia, in on shock doctrine with Pope & Plandemic – see at 7:00 mins)

TheRemnantVideo | May 6, 2020

US Tech Solutions CEO affirms Leslie Brown’s Facebook termination

Project Veritas | June 26, 2020

Facebook’s Supreme Court: Why Facebook created the content "Oversight Board" – TLDR News

TLDR News| May 27, 2020

Confirmed: Facebook senior HR business partner Leslie Brown fired following Project Veritas video!

Project Veritas | June 25, 2020

Another Facebook insider details political censorship; current HR exec "No one has white man’s back"

Project Veritas | June 25, 2020

Facebook content moderator: "If someone’s wearing MAGA hat, I’m going to delete them for terrorism"

Project Veritas | June 23, 2020

FB insider receives anonymous call, FB Spox refuses to acknowledge “Diversity Initiative Board”

Project Veritas | June 18, 2020

Facebook H-1B memo update: “Investigations & Reports” calls employees into office over leaked memo

Project Veritas | June 18, 2020

Facebook insider: Company suspended my account in H-1B policy doc leak

Project Veritas | June 18, 2020

Update: Multiple developments in the past few hours…big tech comment…documents…leaks…

Project Veritas | June 17, 2020

You already know what comes next…

reallygraceful | June 5, 2020

Why lockdowns are the wrong policy: Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke

UnHerd | April 17, 2020

London Real update, Coffeezilla & Rebel Wisdom (reupload)

Rebel Wisdom | July 4, 2020

London Real censors Rebel Wisdom

Rebel Wisdom | July 4, 2020


5G Summit 2020: Expert Panel Livestream

Josh del Sol | June 11, 2020

HDIAC podcast: "Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons," Part 1 of 2

HDIAC | June 19, 2020

Dr. Charles Morgan on psycho-neurobiology and war

Modern War Institute | June 14, 2018

Rev. Danny Jones: The micro-chipped New World Order

Citizen Media News | April 30, 2020

A.I. is making it easier to kill (you). Here’s how. | NYT

New York Times | December 13, 2019

1/4 China flood dam pressure intensifies | three gorges dam | collapse | millions people affected

Vision Times – China Observer | June 24, 2020

Breaking: House Health and Insurance hearing (testimony on Colorado vaccine bill – SB20-163)
The HighWire with Del Bigtree | June 7, 2020

Dr. James Giordano darpa advisor supercomputers used for mind control of targeted individuals
Nicholas Hamblin | September 24, 2019

Dr. James Giordano: "Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons, Neuroethics," Part 2 of 2
Targeted Individual in NZ (Autumn) | June 25, 2020

Autonomous farm work – enter the robots

Rocos – Robot Operations Platform | May 19, 2020

Biggest deception on the whole world endgame plan (Start @ 24:00 mins)>
First Century | April 8, 2020

Suzanne Gildert | Robots: Technology and Implications | SingularityU Nordic Summit 2018

Singularity University | January 10, 2019

BG PuppetShot
Willy G.’s Dystopian Future | May 12, 2020


Signs in the sun and news but you cant view it (983)

Adapt 2030 | May 25, 2020

We smell a SpaceX rat – David Weiss (only watch the 60 seconds beginnng at 9:30)
SGTreport | June 21, 2020


That time Jordan Peterson responded to the feminist in the balcony
Daniel Faucett | April 30, 2020

Fact check: polio vaccines, tetanus vaccines, and the Gates Foundation
corbettreport | June 23, 2020

Who will fact check the fact checkers?
corbettreport | June 19, 2020

Cops using contact tracing for Covid to track protestors! w/Dylan Ratigan

The Jimmy Dore Show | June 4, 2020

Special Solari Report: " Contact Tracing & the HEROES Act with Mary Holland
The Solari Report | June 17, 2020

The world postures for food shortages (970)

Adapt 2030 | April 30, 2020

Insight: Slaughtered on Suspicion
UK Column | April 16, 2020

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Q & A with Dr. Theresa Deisher (aborted fetal tissue)
Children’s Health Defense| June 17, 2020

Truth with RFK, Episode 1
Tommey Burrowes Productions & Children’s Health Defense | May 22, 2020
Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 2
VAXXED TV & Children’s Health Defense | June 1, 2020

Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 3
VAXXED TV & Children’s Health Defense | June 5, 2020

Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 4
VAXXED TV & Children’s Health Defense | June 12, 2020

Truth with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 5
VAXXED TV & Children’s Health Defense | June 19, 2020

The irrefutable argument against vaccine safety with author Del Bigtree (corrected subtitles)
Liora P | March 10, 2019

Robert Kennedy Jr. destroys big pharma, Fauci & pro-vaccine movement (interview with Patrick Bet-David)
Valuetainment | May 2, 2020

6.5 earthquake hits Idaho Challis Boise / 5.6 Salt Lake UT
Planet Now | March 31, 2020

Why are these 32 symbols found in caves all over Europe | Genevieve von Petzinger

TED | December 18, 2015


Denzel Washington’s speech will leave you SPEECHLESS – one of the most eye opening speeches ever

MotivationHub | June 26, 2018

Dr. Joe Dispenza: Learn how to reprogram your mind

FightMediocrity | August 28, 2019

Group develops online platform for farmers to sell food amid COVID-19

ABC15 Arizona | April 14, 2020

Why I moved to Norway | my story

Leena Henningsen | April 29, 2020

This woman’s stunning camper van is the best I’ve ever seen!

Jordan Osmond | January 19, 2020

Street magician does incredible disappearing stunt on BGT 2020 | Magician’s Got Talent

Magician’s Got Talent | May 18, 2020